
JEPP to launch new format: the Debate Section

Debate_sectionJEPP announces a new format for special collections of articles, the Debate Section. This section will comprise a number of brief articles (maximum of four), which take contrary or complementary standpoints on a common issue. The debate format is meant to particularly encourage submissions on topical and controversial issues (while being based on rigorous social science research). The debate section articles are subject to our normal double-blind peer review process and each contribution to the Debate Section should not exceed 5,000 words. Michael Blauberger (University of Salzburg) has joined the editorial team as editor of the Debate Section. Michael is also responsible for the Research Agenda Section, which was previously edited by Robert Thomson (University of Strathclyde). We thank Robert for his service to JEPP (and are more than grateful that he continues to be one of our most hard working referees on the editorial board). Contributions, or suggestions for contributions, to both the Debate Section and Research Agenda Section are highly welcome at any time. Read on to find out more about these formats. You can reach Michael at